The American Health Institute, Inc.
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Spring 2004 Update

The response to my interview on Anti-Aging in Suzanne Somers’ best seller, "The Sexy Years," has been extraordinary.

I was honored to write the chapter on BioIdentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) in the second edition of "Alternative Medicine – The Definitive Guide."

I was also happy to write the Foreword to Suzanne Somers’ previous weight loss best seller, "Fast and Easy".

I would like to take this opportunity to tell you about other services that are available in this office. There are several intra-venous therapies that are offered:

1) Intra-venous Vitamin C – for detoxification, hydration, and its adrenal stimulating effect.

2) Intra-venous DMPS chelation for removal of mercury from the body, after all the amalgams have been removed. This is followed by a 6 hour urine collection which is sent to a lab, which then determines the amount of mercury that has been removed from the body.

3) Intra-venous EDTA chelation for removal of lead and other heavy metals from the body.

4) Intra-venous glutathione for patients with Neurological Disorders, for those patients with reduced levels of anti-oxidants, and to help optimize liver detoxification

5) Intra-venous Minerals for patients who are mineral depleted.

Other treatments that are offered include mind/body medicine, acupuncture, and sensory resonance.
